Oleg Lebedyn

Oleg Lebedyn


Kyiv, Ukraine
  • 11 Suggerimenti
  • 88 Follower
  • 68 Seguendo
  • Liste 4

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Koh Tao
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
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1 Consiglio
Surat Thani
1 Consiglio
Oleg Lebedyn
1 posti aggiornati
1 posto incluso Asmalımescit Dürümcüsü
Oleg Lebedyn
23 posti aggiornati
23 posti incluso The Bar, ONE LOVE espresso bar, Фирменный магазин света и декора EGLO, НСК «Олімпійський» / Olimpiyskiy Stadium
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Consigli recenti di Oleg
"Probably the best hostel I've ever been to! Very-very clean, nice "private space" in shared rooms, complimentary breakfast and very helpful staff! Very close to MRT as well. Highly recommended!"
Oleg LebedynOleg Lebedyn · Settembre 29, 2015
· Singapore
""Домашний" клуб,где все друг друга знают и куда приятно приходить и позаниматься и просто поговорить! Отличные тренажеры и большой зал с высокими потолками"
Oleg LebedynOleg Lebedyn · Novembre 29, 2014
Palestra e studio
· м. Київ, Ucraina
"It's a family hotel in small Kobuleti town. Rooms are clean and air conditioned. Hotel owners are really nice. The beach is 2 minutes walk"
Oleg LebedynOleg Lebedyn · Maggio 4, 2013
· Georgia
"Gorgeous place which is a must see if u r in Georgia. Unbelievable views and nature and lots of guest houses to stay in a cosy village. A little bit hard to get to but well worth it."
Oleg LebedynOleg Lebedyn · Maggio 4, 2013
· Georgia
"Go here to try some authentic Georgian wine. 15 gel to taste 4 kinds. You can then buy one for 35-50 gel per bottle. Visit for sure if you are in Sighnaghi"
Oleg LebedynOleg Lebedyn · Maggio 1, 2013
· Sighnaghi, Georgia
"Nice place to stay for those who do not intend to stay in the room the whole day. Rooms are small-just beds and the shower but very clean. Guest house owners are very nice people-always ready to help"
Oleg LebedynOleg Lebedyn · Maggio 1, 2013
Bed and breakfast
· Tbilisi, Georgia