Nathan Vess

Nathan Vess


Gastonia, NC
  • 1 Suggerimenti
  • 22 Follower
  • 32 Seguendo
  • Liste 2
Le liste di Nathan su Tutte le città
  • Charlotte
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Principali città di Nathan
1 Consiglio
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Nathan Vess
1 posti aggiornati
1 posto incluso Track Side Grill
Nathan Vess
3 posti aggiornati
3 posti incluso Track Side Grill, Ingles Market, Parkwood Baptist Church
    "Be prepared to wait on the tons of hospital employees to get their food first. The heck with the families of patients. Pathetic."
    Nathan VessNathan Vess · Dicembre 27, 2012
    Fast food
    · Charlotte, Stati Uniti