Sara W

Sara W


Mom of 3 amazing kids & Nana to an awesome grand-daughter 😀

Bracebridge, ON
  • 18 Suggerimenti
  • 26 Follower
  • 39 Seguendo
  • Liste 5

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Principali città di Sara
3 Liste create · 17 Consigli
1 Lista creata
Sara W
5 posti aggiornati Ottobre 1, 2012
My picks for great deals!!! Check'em out!!!
Sara W
3 posti aggiornati Luglio 6, 2012
3 posti incluso Bev & Scott's, BESTIE'S HOUSE!, Wray Compound
Sara W
12 posti aggiornati Novembre 9, 2021
Restaurants to visit in Muskoka!
Sara W
2 posti aggiornati
2 posti incluso Bissonette Home, Wray Compound
Sara W
7 posti aggiornati
7 posti incluso Walmart Supercentre, Wray Compound, Bev & Scott's, Independent at the Pumps
Liste di SaraListe create da SaraListe Sara seguite
Consigli recenti di Sara
"Great products! Great staff! Great prices!"
Sara WSara W · Novembre 13, 2013
Grandi magazzini
· Bracebridge, Canada
"Great items.... Great prices.... Great staff.... Check them out!!!"
Sara WSara W · Ottobre 22, 2013
Grandi magazzini
· Bracebridge, Canada
"Ok.... So it appears we are back in town... Yeah!!!! Much easier on fuel for the truck.... So we will be here for awhile...."
Sara WSara W · Novembre 11, 2012
Abitazione (privata)
· Bracebridge, Canada
"Moved back to Bracebridge... Cost of driving back & forth was way too much... Glad to be back... :o)"
Sara WSara W · Novembre 3, 2012
Abitazione (privata)
· Bracebridge, Canada
"Twoonie Tuesday!!! 2 chicken tenders & wedges for $2... U can afford to get the soft drink... Try the sweet potato wedges... They rock!"
Sara WSara W · Ottobre 9, 2012
· Bracebridge, Canada
"I haven't worked here in 2-yrs... When I go in I still feel like part of the CTC fsamily... Thx, guys!"
Sara WSara W · Ottobre 2, 2012
Riparazioni auto
· Bracebridge, Canada