Megan Ortiz

Megan Ortiz


Corpus Christi, TX
  • 1 Suggerimenti
  • 6 Follower
  • 3 Seguendo
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  • Corpus Christi
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Principali città di Megan
Corpus Christi
1 Consiglio
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Megan Ortiz
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Megan Ortiz
4 posti aggiornati
4 posti incluso Hamlin Pharmacy and Fountain, Coffee Waves, Starbucks, Ginger Cafe
    "Best Mediterranean food in Corpus Christi! It's delicious, inexpensive and BYOB so bring a group of good friends and a bottle of good wine."
    Megan OrtizMegan Ortiz · Agosto 14, 2015
    · Corpus Christi, Stati Uniti