Lea Sandell

Lea Sandell


All Digital marketing, all the time - in Microsoft & beyond. Pop culture aficionado, out of control wanderlust & a serious retail addiction.

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  • 24 Follower
  • 41 Seguendo
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Principali città di Lea
1 Consiglio
Lea Sandell
0 posti aggiornati
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Lea Sandell
3 posti aggiornati
3 posti incluso Battenhall, TownHouse Tel Aviv Hotel, Port Said
Liste di LeaListe create da LeaListe Lea seguite
"Eat in or take out - good food & friendly service."
Lea SandellLea Sandell · Luglio 22, 2013
· Danimarca
"Great location. Go for the coffee, breakfast and people watching."
Lea SandellLea Sandell · Luglio 22, 2013
Bar Caffè
· Parigi, Francia