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5 posti incluso Meritage Resort and Spa, The Ritz-Carlton Bacara, Santa Barbara, Angelo's Wine Country Meat & Deli, Hanalei Wake-Up Cafe
Liste di Judy Liste create da Judy Liste Judy seguite
"Not only do they have terrific beach wear and gifts (much better quality than your typical beach town store), they have beautiful resort casual wear as well . Love!"
· Clearwater, Stati Uniti
"Beautiful rooms, if off the beaten path a bit. Well worth it, gracious service."
Club vacanze
· Napa, Stati Uniti
8.3 "Exquisite!"
Club vacanze
· Santa Barbara, Stati Uniti
8.6 "One of my fav resorts in the U.S., especially in the winter for the gorgeous weather."
· La Quinta, Stati Uniti
9.0 "The best beef and turkey jerky you'll ever have -- a must visit!"
· Sonoma, Stati Uniti
8.7 "The Cajun Pasta is Yum!"
· Napa, Stati Uniti