Jack Daniel's Distillery

Jack Daniel's Distillery

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  • Ricardo V.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Ricardo ValdesAprile 20, 2016
    I was actually really surprised. The tour was great. The tasting quite enlightening. I'm more impressed with JD and will be more appreciative in the future after seeing their process
  • Kendal R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Kendal RosenbergerMarzo 10, 2016
    We took the 20-25 min bus tour which included a salute to Jack Daniel's with a shot of his #7 whiskey. This was the first wk of this tour that cost just under $20. 👍🏻👍🏻
  • This Is My South
    This Is My SouthDicembre 26, 2012
    This free tour takes you throughout the distillery, but be warned that there are no samples on this tour as Lynchburg is in a dry county. It's impressive that all Jack Daniels is made here! Leggi tutto
  • Jennie H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jennie HamiltonNovembre 5, 2019
    Great tours and guides, interesting history. I love it because I grew up knowing all the history because Moore county is where my grandparents are from. They’re both buried near Mr. Daniel.
  • Jacques
    JacquesGennaio 6, 2018
    Great tour and only a short walk to Lynchburg Square where there are many Jack Daniels stores
  • Billy A.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Billy AmpSettembre 7, 2016
    Wow! A ton of awesome facts about Jack Daniel, his whisky, and how it's made. Pour me some of that Sinatra 😍
  • Scott W.
    Scott WargaGennaio 18, 2014
    Great tour, if driving from Nashville it's about a 1.5 hour trip. Get there by noon so you have time to shop and see the town afterward. Wear comfortable shoes and dress for outdoors.
  • ciborgicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    ciborgDicembre 18, 2013
    Pay the ten bucks for the sampling tour. Worth it. Staff was great. Tour was awesome. Guide was great. Lynchburg is a cool little town.
  • The1JMACicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    The1JMACAgosto 2, 2013
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Take the Tasting Tour. You get the regular distillery tour plus Gentleman, No.7, and Single Barrel Jack samples.
  • Danielle P.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Danielle PetersonAgosto 31, 2015
    Absolutely amazing!! The regular tour is free to anyone and the sampling tour is $10 a person I believe. Worth every penny though!!
  • Greg F.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Greg FullerLuglio 19, 2018
    Great place and the distillery tour was fantastic. Our guide was great and the tasting we had at the end of the tour was excellent.
  • Jordan V.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jordan VessAprile 7, 2018
    The Angel’s Share tour/tasting. Such a great experience. Ben was an amazing tour guide. Buying a bottle and etching it at the end was really cool.
  • Morgan P.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Morgan PikeAprile 28, 2017
    Not a huge whiskey drinker but the tour was really great! Our guide, Amber, was lovely! Definitely a must see! Very interesting.
  • Rodney Y.
    Rodney YoungAgosto 21, 2013
    DUHH!!!!! It's The home that Mr. Jack built. Our guide Jon, very informative, and a bit funny, really have a new found appreciation for my all time number one drink. Great experience
  • Brian S.
    Brian SearlMaggio 15, 2013
    Do you really need a tip before entering this place? It is absolutely fascinating to see whiskey made just as it was a century ago. Ask about the 'healthy' ingredients and the safe in the old office.
  • Karen R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Karen RushNovembre 20, 2018
    Annual BBQ was great! The squire tent was definitely the place to be. Good music. REALLY Good food. Thanks!
  • Phill R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Phill RameySettembre 13, 2014
    Great walking tour of the facility. It is 10 bucks for the sampling tour which gets you a taste of three types of whisky. The tasting was informative.
  • Barry A.
    Barry AustinMaggio 10, 2017
    No place like it on earth !! Jack Daniel's is the 8th wonder of the world ! Bucket list !
  • Alain G.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Alain GeenritsSettembre 6, 2017
    The tour is very good. The shop is a ripoff. Bought a bottle of Jack Daniels Golden 27 at $100 and was assured you could only buy there and it was a limited edition. $88 Atlanta airport duty free...
  • Rob R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Rob RebelAgosto 9, 2015
    The entire place smells amazing. Try and get some on you.
  • Arron B.
    Arron BrueskeGennaio 4, 2012
    Excellent tour. Get there well before 4:30 if you want to see it all and have time to hang out. Shops in square close at 5pm-ish.
  • Charles R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Charles RobertsGiugno 3, 2014
    They do a great tour that is well worth the spare time on your trip through Tennessee. If you're considering following that sign from I-65, do it!
  • YM G.
    YM GanOttobre 11, 2012
    You won't be able to sample drinks on the tour, as it's still a dry county but you may buy the best whiskey in the world in the White Rabbit Saloon bottle store!
  • Ken S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Ken SchreihoferMaggio 5, 2019
    Jon T was awesome, engaging and knowledgeable. Take the angel’s share tour.
  • Andy B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Andy BorsheimAprile 2, 2016
    Great tour. I'm already a Jack fan but makes you feel like you're a part of something bigger after the tour. Very neat information.
  • Laurentia H.
    Laurentia HNovembre 12, 2014
    Free tour, great tour guides, friendly staff and fun place to visit!
  • Phil
    PhilMarzo 8, 2013
    If you can try to get Wes as your tour guide, he was amazing. So knowledgable and he has a great balance of humor and facts during his tour.
  • Steven S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Steven SeltzerSettembre 5, 2016
    I want to go back. Too much to absorb on one visit. Do the Flight of Jack tour. Jack and I have been buddies for years- now I know why!
  • David M.
    David MarklandGiugno 8, 2010
    Its worth noting that this tour is 100% free... and would have been worth $20. The Lynchburg town square, mere steps away, makes this worth the 90 minute drive from Nashville. Great day trip.
  • Smithsonian Channel
    Smithsonian ChannelGiugno 23, 2011
    Jack Daniel was just a teenager when he bought his distillery from a local minister. Using water from a secret spring in nearby cave, he then created the whiskey we know today. (From Aerial America) Leggi tutto
  • Rob D.
    Rob DaBoomFebbraio 15, 2012
    America's oldest registered distillery Jack Daniel was just a teenager when he bought his distillery from a local minister. Distillery was moved to St. Louis during the prohibition. Leggi tutto
  • Dorouliniicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    DorouliniOttobre 21, 2016
    We did not have the tour but the place seemed amazing! Visit the city central square.
  • Heather H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Heather HohenbergerOttobre 16, 2016
    If you come to the Distillery, go on the Angel's Share tour.
  • Barry A.
    Barry AustinMaggio 10, 2017
    As the old saying goes Jesus turned the water in to wine and Mr. Jack turned his spring water into shine !
  • Joshua N.
    Joshua NunnGiugno 6, 2014
    Awesome! If you don't get the sampling tour then you're missing out!
  • Dave B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Dave BojanzykNovembre 7, 2015
    If you're lucky, you'll get Jacob as your tour guide.
  • Michelle C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Michelle CheronecookMaggio 21, 2012
    I live here and can tell you that the distillery is busy every day! Makes a great stop and you can see 'real' small town living like it used to be.
  • Mr. Criticicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Mr. CriticGennaio 26, 2015
    Very beautiful place ask for the tour with taste of Jack
  • Elsa A.
    Elsa AndersonAgosto 17, 2011
    Loved the tour! Also, downtown historic Lynchburg is totally worth the trip. Try the whiskey fudge at The Dry County Still General Store!
  • Lyndsea C.
    Lyndsea CherkaskyAgosto 20, 2013
    Bettie is the best guide! The tour is free and very informative and fun! Beware is you're sensitive to fumes! ;)
  • Serhii L.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Serhii LutskoDicembre 4, 2016
    Awesome place, must see in Tennessee
  • Randy J.
    Randy JohnsMarzo 20, 2011
    Great tour and very interesting history. We loved it and the fact that it's free is even better! I would have paid for the tour!
  • Marta F.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Marta FeijóOttobre 22, 2018
    Indico o passeio pela destilaria para os amantes ou não da tão famosa bebida.
  • Miranda V.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Miranda VisserLuglio 15, 2015
    The tours are super easy walks, overstated by most. Varies by quality of guide.
  • Colin L.
    Colin LordMaggio 2, 2015
    There's two versions of the tour. One includes samples. The other is free!
  • Nick D.
    Nick DeVitoLuglio 11, 2012
    This was a great tour. You don't have to drink to enjoy. Our tour guide Mark was da Bomb!
  • EJ H.
    EJ HirschMarzo 29, 2014
    There are sampling tours. It used to be a dry county, but that has since changed. You can pay $10 and tour and taste at the same time.
  • Hollyicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    HollyOttobre 27, 2013
    Great place! Been here many times. Definitely go for the BBQ festival.
  • Marjorie D.
    Marjorie DufekFebbraio 13, 2010
    Tour hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m Central Time. Tours of the Jack Daniel Distillery are free. We're open every day except Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day Leggi tutto
  • MetroSeeker.com
    MetroSeeker.comLuglio 2, 2011
    America's oldest registered distillery, Jack Daniel's was moved to St. Louis during the prohibition. It wasn't until the federal prohibition was over for 5 years that production in Lynchburg resumed.
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