Isa Soriano

Isa Soriano


Los Angeles, CA
  • 2 Suggerimenti
  • 48 Follower
  • 30 Seguendo
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  • Los Angeles
  • West Hollywood
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Los Angeles
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West Hollywood
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Isa Soriano
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Isa Soriano
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    "Go for the crab mac and cheese, all the other food was mehhh. This is one of those LA hotspots more about the hype and environment, rather than the quality of food."
    Isa SorianoIsa Soriano · Dicembre 14, 2011
    · West Hollywood, Stati Uniti
    "Best to go with the set menu, than order individually. Albacore and salmon melt in your mouth like buttaa. Splurge on the uni, lobster hand roll and albacore belly, you won't regret."
    Isa SorianoIsa Soriano · Dicembre 14, 2011
    · Los Angeles, Stati Uniti