Ian Turk

Ian Turk

I'm a gamer, technology geek, graphic artist, traceur, and self-described burger connoisseur.

Seattle, WA
  • 4 Suggerimenti
  • 47 Follower
  • 27 Seguendo
  • Liste 4

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Principali città di Ian
San Francisco
1 Lista creata
1 Consiglio
2 Consigli
1 Consiglio
Ian Turk
1 posti aggiornati Settembre 5, 2019
1 posto incluso Kang Ho Dong Baek Jeong
Ian Turk
6 posti aggiornati Giugno 23, 2019
Places to check out in SF
Ian Turk
9 posti aggiornati
9 posti incluso Sushi Kashiba, Essex, Cheese Wizards, The Butcher's Table
Ian Turk
205 posti aggiornati
205 posti incluso Glazer's Camera, Facebook Arbor Blocks 333, Barnes & Noble, West Seattle Stadium
Liste di IanListe create da IanListe Ian seguite
"Love that I can preorder and then skip the line"
Ian TurkIan Turk · Agosto 26, 2019
· Seattle, Stati Uniti
"Theo is awesome! He is sweet with a great eye for style."
Ian TurkIan Turk · Novembre 13, 2011
· Scottsdale, Stati Uniti
"Try the Hatch Chile Ratatouille, Smoked Mozzarella Chicken Baguette - A little difficult to eat, but it was pretty tasty. First time trying ratatouille in any form!"
Ian TurkIan Turk · Novembre 10, 2011
· Tempe, Stati Uniti
"You can try a sample of all of the flavors while there. Don't be shy!"
Ian TurkIan Turk · Marzo 19, 2011
· Phoenix, Stati Uniti