Heather Davis

Heather Davis

Oklahoma City, OK
  • 17 Suggerimenti
  • 47 Follower
  • 25 Seguendo
  • Liste 2
Le liste di Heather su Tutte le città
  • Nichols Hills
  • Oklahoma City
  • Tutte le città
Principali città di Heather
Nichols Hills
2 Consigli
Oklahoma City
15 Consigli
Carica altro
Carica altro
Heather Davis
16 posti aggiornati
16 posti incluso Louie's Grill & Bar, Hôtel Villa Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Café Ruc, Salon de Thé de la Grande Mosquée de Paris
Heather Davis
0 posti aggiornati
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    Consigli recenti di Heather
    "Looking for homes in this great neighborhood? Call Alan and Heather Davis at 405.473.8887 or check us out online at AlanandHeatherDavis.com. We live and sell proudly in this area and would to help you"
    Heather DavisHeather Davis · Agosto 29, 2011
    Abitazione (privata)
    · Oklahoma City, Stati Uniti
    "Deluxe pedicure for $30. Absolute favorite."
    Heather DavisHeather Davis · Giugno 13, 2011
    · Oklahoma City, Stati Uniti
    "My fav all time sundae is what they used to call black and white or tuxedo sundae. Not on menu but one scoop of chocolate w marshmallow, one scoop vanilla with hot fudge, nuts and cherry on top!"
    Heather DavisHeather Davis · Giugno 2, 2011
    · Oklahoma City, Stati Uniti
    "Wonderful neighborhood with great neighbors and active association. Call Alan and Heather Davis with Churchill Brown Realtors to see any homes in the area. PS. Several lots back to creek or park."
    Heather DavisHeather Davis · Maggio 26, 2011
    · Oklahoma City, Stati Uniti
    "Love the Ranch Burger"
    Heather DavisHeather Davis · Maggio 17, 2011
    · Oklahoma City, Stati Uniti
    "For all your Belle Isle real estate needs, call Heather and Alan Davis with Churchill Brown Nichols Hills. 405.473.8887 or AlanandHeatherDavis.com. Top Selling Realtors 2010 for area and we live here!"
    Heather DavisHeather Davis · Maggio 17, 2011
    Abitazione (privata)
    · Oklahoma City, Stati Uniti