14 Consigli e recensioni
- Popolari
- Recenti
- Judith Jean-MichelDicembre 28, 2014Always friendly people. Love volunteering to help feed Chicago. #no1shouldgohungry
- SoNo East ApartmentsDicembre 17, 2012SoNo East very happy to help such a great cause! Residents of SoNo East please bring your canned goods to the Resident Holiday Party on Wednesday, December 19 in the SoNo East lobby!
- If you check-in to places, check out their "Eat Out Check In" Program at
http://www.chicagosfoodbank.org/site/PageNavigator/86%20Hunger/EatOutCheckIn.html - Sears Blue Appliance CrewLuglio 15, 2010Did you know that this Chicago's food bank distribute an equivalent of 119,000 meals every day to the hungry? They also have innovative training programs to help people break out of poverty. Leggi tutto
- Good spot for a rewarding volunteer experience.
- Vienna BeefMarzo 23, 2010A worthwhile cause, providing food to the hungry around Chicago, look out for Food Drives sponsored by the United Center and Vienna Beef Leggi tutto
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