Elly Pramustha

Elly Pramustha


I'm young, wild, free, adorable andhen pretty much to somepeople knew!

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Elly Pramustha
10 posti aggiornati Marzo 16, 2012
All I wanna do something, everything I do here and I love this place ♥
Elly Pramustha
5 posti aggiornati Febbraio 1, 2012
everything I have spending in here (´⌣`ʃƪ)
Elly Pramustha
10 posti aggiornati Ottobre 25, 2014
this place are my favorite to spending my time w/ my firend ♥
Elly Pramustha
3 posti aggiornati Marzo 18, 2012
3 posti incluso Pizza Hut, Universitas Gunadarma Kampus J, Kampus J Universitas Gunadarma
Elly Pramustha
7 posti aggiornati
7 posti incluso Buaran Plaza, Internet Lounge Kampus J1 Universitas Gunadarma, Elly's sweetest home, Kampus J Universitas Gunadarma
Elly Pramustha
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    "just stopped in front of my laptop -_-"
    Elly PramusthaElly Pramustha · Febbraio 2, 2012
    Abitazione (privata)
    · Buaran, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia