West Bountiful
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Liste di DerekListe create da DerekListe Derek seguite
"I liked it before the tablecloths! Cow tables rule!!"
· Salt Lake City, Stati Uniti
7.0"French toast and bacon. French toast and bacon. French toast and bacon. French toast and bacon."
Tavola Calda
· Salt Lake City, Stati Uniti
7.0"Read the tips before you buy a soggy wrap for 5 bucks."
Bar Caffè
· Salt Lake City, Stati Uniti
4.8"Watch out for the homeless people under the tree.."
· Salt Lake City, Stati Uniti
7.2"Don't fart on Craig's big deck!"
Aree di sosta
· Midway, Stati Uniti
"Does anyone here speak English?.."
· Salt Lake City, Stati Uniti