Denise Lauron

Denise Lauron


South San Francisco, CA
  • 4 Suggerimenti
  • 56 Follower
  • 65 Seguendo
  • Liste 2
Le liste di Denise su Tutte le città
  • Redwood City
  • Chicago
  • San Bruno
  • Cleveland
  • Tutte le città
Principali città di Denise
Redwood City
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
San Bruno
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
Carica altro
Carica altro
Denise Lauron
1 posti aggiornati
1 posto incluso Taqueria
Denise Lauron
17 posti aggiornati
17 posti incluso New Tsing Tao Restaurant, Tanforan, San Francisco Zoo, Sancho's Taqueria
    "They recently started assigned seating. I got stuck in front of a person kicking my seat, and I couldn't move because seats were assigned."
    Denise LauronDenise Lauron · Novembre 21, 2016
    Sala cinematografica
    · San Bruno, Stati Uniti
    "Love the pool area, big group x room, separate room for cycles. But I'm not a fan of the 2 towel policy. If I swim, do a workout and take a shower afterward, that's a minimum of 3 towels needed."
    Denise LauronDenise Lauron · Novembre 15, 2016
    Palestra e studio
    · Redwood City, Stati Uniti
    "Be prepared to find something to do in winter/spring. Lots of delays and not much open street 9 pm."
    Denise LauronDenise Lauron · Marzo 23, 2013
    Aeroporto internazionale
    · Chicago, Stati Uniti
    "It's open late on Wednesdays, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to visit. I was able to do a quick run through and go back and do a closer look, in just about two hours."
    Denise LauronDenise Lauron · Marzo 23, 2013
    · Cleveland, Stati Uniti