Dena Bauer ☺

Dena Bauer ☺


Milwaukee, WI
  • 2 Suggerimenti
  • 31 Follower
  • 25 Seguendo
  • Liste 2

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2 Consigli
Dena Bauer ☺
1 posti aggiornati
1 posto incluso Cochon Butcher
Dena Bauer ☺
6 posti aggiornati
6 posti incluso Sobelman's Pub & Grill, Finest Nails, Trinity Three Irish Pubs, Miller Park
Liste di DenaListe create da DenaListe Dena seguite
"Fish fry was good. Great happy hour with $3 taps, which includes premium beers. Mike, the bartender, was probably the NICEST server I've ever had!"
Dena Bauer ☺Dena Bauer ☺ · Gennaio 24, 2015
· Milwaukee, Stati Uniti
"Support our Veterans and visit this coffee shop. The money funds much needed programs for Vets. All you need to do is buy coffee. Simple enough! They have a great patio to sit and enjoy a nice day."
Dena Bauer ☺Dena Bauer ☺ · Luglio 23, 2014
· Milwaukee, Stati Uniti