Dayna Dongoske

Dayna Dongoske


Boulder, Colorado
  • 2 Suggerimenti
  • 35 Follower
  • 34 Seguendo
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  • Golden Valley
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Golden Valley
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Dayna Dongoske
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Dayna Dongoske
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    "Decent chipotle but the emloyees really need to learn how to wrap a mofo burrito"
    Dayna DongoskeDayna Dongoske · Luglio 17, 2012
    · Golden Valley, Stati Uniti
    "Tap the second window on the right side of the house late at night.. Daughter is really open to meeting strangers!"
    Dayna DongoskeDayna Dongoske · Aprile 27, 2012
    Abitazione (privata)
    · Stati Uniti