David Chartier

David Chartier


Content strategy, tech coaching, consulting: bitandpen.com. I also run finertech.com and freelance around the web.

Chicago, IL
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Le liste di David su Tutte le città
  • Oak Forest
  • Forest Park
  • Oak Park
  • San Francisco
  • Dublin
  • Chicago
  • Tutte le città
Principali città di David
Oak Forest
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Forest Park
2 Liste create
Oak Park
2 Liste create
San Francisco
1 Lista creata
1 Lista creata
26 Liste create · 9 Consigli
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Liste recenti di David
David Chartier
5 posti aggiornati Aprile 17, 2019
Good places to work/cowork with a group that are ideally free or cheap, have power and wifi, and have food or it's available nearby. Places like cafes, hotel lounges, library spaces, and more.
David Chartier
1 posti aggiornati Dicembre 21, 2018
1 posto incluso Carola's Hansa Clipper
David Chartier
2 posti aggiornati Ottobre 20, 2018
2 posti incluso O'Donoghue's, Quays Bar
David Chartier
1 posti aggiornati Agosto 19, 2018
1 posto incluso Ann Sather
David Chartier
1 posti aggiornati Giugno 13, 2018
1 posto incluso Cafe Michelle
David Chartier
2 posti aggiornati Settembre 20, 2017
2 posti incluso Kingston Mines, Rosa's Lounge
    Consigli recenti di David
    "I love this place, and left a few tips about why. But the WiFi is *awful.* It's 2019, and the login screen says "up to 1Mbps," but we never even get that. I hope they improve it soon."
    David ChartierDavid Chartier · Aprile 17, 2019
    · Chicago, Stati Uniti
    "2nd floor lobby area of the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel. It's a large, beautiful space. Food and drink are available but not required. Power is available, but wifi is sub par."
    David ChartierDavid Chartier · Aprile 17, 2019
    · Chicago, Stati Uniti
    "Specifically, The Winter Garden space on the 9th floor. Large, indoor, beautiful area at the top of the building with a glass ceiling. Decent wifi, but no power."
    David ChartierDavid Chartier · Aprile 17, 2019
    · Chicago, Stati Uniti
    "The decor, ambience, seating variety, food, and drink are great. But: the WiFi is atrociously slow, especially for the food prices they charge, and the main table chairs are hard and uncomfortable."
    David ChartierDavid Chartier · Gennaio 23, 2019
    · Chicago, Stati Uniti
    "The ambience, decor, variety of seating, food, and drink are all really good."
    David ChartierDavid Chartier · Gennaio 23, 2019
    · Chicago, Stati Uniti
    "This place has taken a serious nose dive. Recently, the soda machine was broken for two weeks. Drive-thru today was only 3 cars deep but took over 25 minutes."
    David ChartierDavid Chartier · Maggio 19, 2018
    Fast food
    · Chicago, Stati Uniti