Charlene Walton

Charlene Walton


Arlington, VA
  • 3 Suggerimenti
  • 63 Follower
  • 56 Seguendo
  • Liste 2

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1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
Charlene Walton
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Charlene Walton
2 posti aggiornati
2 posti incluso Bill Lawrence Salon, Alfred Street Baptist Church
Liste di CharleneListe create da CharleneListe Charlene seguite
"Love this place. Marissa is great with natural hair!"
Charlene WaltonCharlene Walton · Dicembre 22, 2013
· Washington, Stati Uniti
"Best soul food I've had in the area. Cash only business so just make sure you come prepared. The people are extremely friendly and lots of the items are cooked to order. Must try the Mac and cheese!!"
Charlene WaltonCharlene Walton · Settembre 19, 2013
Furgone gastronomia
· Washington, Stati Uniti
"Quick and easy. No wait and my eyebrows look great! Would definitely go back."
Charlene WaltonCharlene Walton · Gennaio 11, 2013
· Alexandria, Stati Uniti