Carmen T

Carmen T

Los Angeles, CA
  • 2 Suggerimenti
  • 9 Follower
  • 39 Seguendo
  • Liste 5
Le liste di Carmen su Tutte le città
  • Rancho Palos Verdes
  • Los Angeles
  • Glendale
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Principali città di Carmen
Rancho Palos Verdes
1 Lista creata
Los Angeles
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
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Carmen T
2 posti aggiornati Settembre 29, 2013
2 posti incluso Del Cerro Park, Bronson Canyon Hike
Carmen T
17 posti aggiornati
17 posti incluso Kate Mantilini, The Rockefeller, Coral Tree Cafe, The Wellesbourne
Carmen T
5 posti aggiornati
5 posti incluso LA Fitness, Veggie Grill, The Virgil, C & M Cafe
    "Cheap well drinks and good DJs! It gets pretty hot in there so be ready to sweat a bit."
    Carmen TCarmen T · Ottobre 20, 2013
    · Los Angeles, Stati Uniti
    "Get there at least 10-15 minutes earlier than your appointment. The room and front desk is usually crowded with people so it may take some time to get to an associate and check in."
    Carmen TCarmen T · Agosto 18, 2013
    · Glendale, Stati Uniti