Brigid Jeffers

Brigid Jeffers


Graphic Designer, Boston Terrier Mommy & Lover of Fancy Kitchen Implements.

Costa Mesa, CA
  • 2 Suggerimenti
  • 18 Follower
  • 31 Seguendo
  • Liste 3
Le liste di Brigid su Tutte le città
  • Denver
  • Omaha
  • Huntington Beach
  • Costa Mesa
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Principali città di Brigid
1 Lista creata
1 Lista creata
Huntington Beach
1 Consiglio
Costa Mesa
1 Consiglio
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Brigid Jeffers
4 posti aggiornati Febbraio 4, 2014
4 posti incluso Kitchen Table, McFosters Natural Kind Cafe, WaterCourse Foods, Vine Street Pub & Brewery
Brigid Jeffers
10 posti aggiornati
10 posti incluso Crest Cafe, The Crosby, Industrial Cafe & Saloon, Mitsuwa Marketplace
Brigid Jeffers
3 posti aggiornati
3 posti incluso Barbette, Sancho's Tacos, 2 Sparrows
    "Double Wednesday! Last weeks sale overlaps with this weeks so twice the amount of stuff is on sale. Great for stocking up on produce!"
    Brigid JeffersBrigid Jeffers · Marzo 13, 2013
    Mercato dei contadini
    · Costa Mesa, Stati Uniti
    "Park on the side streets off golden west so you don't have to pay a meter. It won't hurt you or your dog to walk a little bit!"
    Brigid JeffersBrigid Jeffers · Febbraio 23, 2013
    Parco per cani
    · Huntington Beach, Stati Uniti