Amy Johnson

Wormleysburg, PA
  • 1 Suggerimenti
  • 0 Follower
  • 0 Seguendo
  • Liste 3

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Principali città di Amy
Boiling Springs
1 Lista creata
Camp Hill
1 Lista creata · 1 Consiglio
2 posti aggiornati Settembre 28, 2015
2 posti incluso Spring Meadows Park, Barnes And Noble Cafe
19 posti aggiornati
19 posti incluso Wells Fargo, Michaels, Linens & More For Less!, Juice & Java Restaurant/Café
4 posti aggiornati
4 posti incluso Digiplex Cinema Center, Barnes & Noble, Michaels, Blue Dog Pet Shop
Liste di AmyListe create da AmyListe Amy seguite
"The staff is ok. I went there for the first time since Starbucks opened. My coffee shots of espresso were weak, and too much hazelnut syrup for a 16 oz iced lattae. Also there was no line or wait."
Amy Johnson · Settembre 28, 2015
· Camp Hill, Stati Uniti