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Liste di Amanda Liste create da Amanda Liste Amanda seguite
"$15,000 in down payment grants for qualified homebuyers. Check out the Minnesota Housing Financing Agency booth for a possible additional $10,000!"
Beni immobili
· Minneapolis, Stati Uniti
"Excellent! Hot tea is now an option in the canteen. And I'm slowly growing to accept the Keebler products (but still missing Lorna Doones )"
· Saint Paul, Stati Uniti
6.8 "Smells like rancid beef fat in here. Clean the carpets?"
· Minneapolis, Stati Uniti
"Don't miss the sofa cushion. Beanbag chair is great too."
Abitazione (privata)
· Saint Paul, Stati Uniti
"Affordable home improvement loans, homebuyer education , foreclosure prevention counseling. CNHS makes successful homeownership a priority. This builds strong communities."
Organizzazione no‑profit
· Saint Paul, Stati Uniti
"$5 spaghetti and giant meatball is one of the best deals in town . We love it here."
· Saint Paul, Stati Uniti