Fort Lauderdale
1 Consiglio
1 posti aggiornati
1 posto incluso Chick-fil-A
23 posti aggiornati
23 posti incluso Bangkok House, Drybar, Publix, Sugarcoat
Liste di AlyssaListe create da AlyssaListe Alyssa seguite
"Antonio and I have been together since 2002. Nobody else touches my hair."
· Atlanta, Stati Uniti
7.6"By far the best for mani/pedi. And they do gel nail polish too! Lasts for weeks!"
Centro per ricostruzione unghie
· Atlanta, Stati Uniti
8.1"This airport is great in terms of check in and wifi- just eat before you come - there's only gross, prepackaged food and a half assed miami subs"
Aeroporto internazionale
· Fort Lauderdale, Stati Uniti