Adam Lynch

Adam Lynch


Rochester, NY
  • 3 Suggerimenti
  • 89 Follower
  • 52 Seguendo
  • Liste 2

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"Or just ignore the negative comments re: the location and remember that non-dog owners can be whiny about people with off-leash dogs. Yes, its an unofficial area. No, 99% of visitors don't mind dogs."
Adam LynchAdam Lynch · Giugno 3, 2010
Parco per cani
· Rochester, Stati Uniti
"Don't be a douché- clean up your dogs poop. Also, make sure your dog is friendly and/or on a leash. Its an unofficial "off-leash" area, so be prepared for dogs playing and being dogs."
Adam LynchAdam Lynch · Aprile 30, 2010
Parco per cani
· Rochester, Stati Uniti
"Amazing beer selection and great breakfast sandwiches."
Adam LynchAdam Lynch · Gennaio 5, 2010
Negozietto nei paraggi
· Rochester, Stati Uniti