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Naperville, IL
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"Whole Foods Market is a great place to get local honey! Localized honey contains antibodies from the area to help you stay healthy and fight off allergies and sicknesses!"
"Eating healthy is so much more than just eating low-fat! Shop the parameter of Jewel more than the middle. Avoid anything from a can, and avoid anything with ingredients that you can't pronounce. The"
"Need a brain boost? Be sure to visualise! Visualization involves mentally rehearsing what you want to happen. Go through every game event long before the game so you are better prepared!"
"Avoid over-use injuries! Be sure to have a balanced workout and include working all muscles, even ones that may not be actively important for your sport. Ex. Soccer plays need upper body work too!"
"Athlete? A great off-day workout is a pool day! Begin by getting in 5 foot deep water and do high-knees, butt-kicks, shuffles, karaoke, etc. End with some fast paced swimming laps followed by a great"
"Carbohydrates are the best pre-competition foods because they digest quickly and are readily available for fuel. Some popular choices include cereal, bread, bagel, crackers, potato and pasta."