Frankfurt for Hipster
Kleinmarkthalle is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

1. Kleinmarkthalle

Hasengasse 5-7, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Mercato · Altstadt · 88 consigli e recensioni

Wolfgang W.Wolfgang Weicht: Teo's Delikatessen, Bäckerei Huck, Fisch auf der Galerie, Südfrüchte Reitz

2. Der Käseladen

Berger Straße 43, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Negozio di formaggi · Innenstadt · 1 consiglio

Joerg B.Joerg B.: Super Auswahl und tolle Beratung. Hier bringt den Chef nichts aus der Ruhe.

Brot und seine Freunde is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

3. Brot und seine Freunde

Kornmarkt 5, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Panetteria · Altstadt · 26 consigli e recensioni

Carsten F.Carsten Fischer: Stern-Kaffee von der Frankfurter Rösterei Wissmüller. Lecker!

Zeit für Brot is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

4. Zeit für Brot

Oeder Weg 15, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Panetteria · Nordend-West · 62 consigli e recensioni

fjkrisfjkris: Try the Dinkelcroissants and the Zimt- and Schokoschnecken. And if you are there anyways: Take home a Saftbrot. Delicious! Leggi tutto.

Schmitz Fine Food is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

5. Schmitz Fine Food

Taunusanlage 21 (Bockenheimer, gegenüber Opernturn), Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Locale per hamburger · Westend-Süd · 5 consigli e recensioni

Patrick K.Patrick Klein: Pulled Pork <3

Markt im Hof is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

6. Markt im Hof

Wallstraße (Brückenstraße), Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Fiera di strada · Sachsenhausen-Nord · 10 consigli e recensioni

Andreas H.Andreas Haason: Great Initiative, pleasant place to hang out on a Saturday

Yumas Berger Straße is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

7. Yumas Berger Straße

Berger Straße 98, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Ristorante messicano · Innenstadt · 5 consigli e recensioni

Frida K.Frida Kahlo: beste Tacos in Frankfurt

Hafen 2 is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

8. Hafen 2

Nordring 129 (Goethering), Offenbach, Assia
Spazio per eventi · 18 consigli e recensioni

Lore F.Lore Frost: Good coffee & tea, sometimes they have nice little dishes and almost always good cake. Very interesting movie and music program.

Chez Ima is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

9. Chez Ima

Niddastr. 58, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Ristorante · Gallusviertel · 65 consigli e recensioni
Atlantik Fisch is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

10. Atlantik Fisch

Gutleutstr. 139, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Ristorante di pesce · Innenstadt · 3 consigli e recensioni

Max G.Max Gemeinhardt: super fresh fish and seafood. simply but deliciously grilled. just perfect for lunch.

Das Hinterzimmer is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

11. Das Hinterzimmer

Gaußstr. 4, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Spaccio clandestino di bevande alcoliche · Innenstadt · 8 consigli e recensioni

Marvin M.Marvin Mendel: Wunderbare neue Location! Gute Drinks zu einem vertretbaren Preis (kleiner Ebbelwoi nur 2€, Hendricks-Tonic 8€). Bar im Stil der Prohibitionszeit. Gefällt mir!

die rote Bar is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

12. die rote Bar

Mainkai 7, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Cocktail bar · Altstadt · 28 consigli e recensioni

Posar S.Posar Seb: nice cocktails, small place, cosy atmosphere Leggi tutto.

Logenhaus Frankfurt is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

13. Logenhaus Frankfurt

Finkenhofstr. 17, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Lounge · Nordend-West · 19 consigli e recensioni

TimoTimo: I guess any gin coctail tastes amazing and is affortable! Great place worth to experience.

14. eccolo_Sandros Kochladen und so...

Sömmerringstrasse 1 (Oederweg), Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Bistro · Nordend-West · 1 consiglio

Niki D.Niki DosDos: Messerscharfer laden !! Lecker Café und super Typ !!

Henscheid is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

15. Henscheid

Mainkurstr. 27, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Ristorante tedesco · Bornheim · 5 consigli e recensioni

Alexander W.Alexander Wipf: Frankfurter Schnitzel

No. 16 is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

16. No. 16

Löwengasse 27a, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Ristorante italiano · Bornheim · 24 consigli e recensioni

Arnd v.Arnd von Rueden: Wine glasses are usually filled to the limit set by physics (surface tension). Don't forget to make a reservation, as usually very full. If you happen to be alone, try to get a place at the bar. Enjoy

Sonamu (소나무) is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

17. Sonamu (소나무)

Berger Str. 184, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Ristorante coreano · Innenstadt · 49 consigli e recensioni

mar .mar 😸: try the secret menus!

Mamoona Cuisine is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

18. Mamoona Cuisine

Hanauer Landstrasse 2, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Ristorante marocchino · Ostend · 9 consigli e recensioni

Chris K.Chris Ked: Nice buffet. Make sure you get a fish platter.

Bidlabu is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

19. Bidlabu

Kleine Bockenheimer Str. 14, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Ristorante · Innenstadt · 6 consigli e recensioni

Rody M.Rody Mulder: small menu but good quality and very very kind staff.

22nd Lounge & Bar is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

20. 22nd Lounge & Bar

Neue Mainzer Str. 66, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Lounge · Innenstadt · 45 consigli e recensioni

Marc B.Marc Boosten: Lounge & Bar on the 22nd floor of Innside Frankfurt Eurotheum. Spectacular view, good chairs, great cocktails but high pricing as well!

Eis Christina is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

21. Eis Christina

Eckenheimer Landstr. 78, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Gelateria · Nordend-West · 64 consigli e recensioni

Heiko G.Heiko Geibig: The best ice-cream in town. Favourites are chocolate, yogurt and mocca.

Niewo is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

22. Niewo

Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Ristorante tedesco · Innenstadt · 3 consigli e recensioni

Maik H.Maik Hofmann: If on the menue - order "mousakás". Super yummy and inexpensive!

Osteria Lisola Sarda is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

23. Osteria Lisola Sarda

Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Trattoria · Innenstadt · 2 consigli e recensioni

Raffaele G.Raffaele Greco: Excellent Sardinian restaurant. Very nice interior. Very friendly staff, especially the owner. Very pleasant experience. Will come back

24. Weinstube im Nordend

Eckenheimer Landstr. 84 (Neuhofstr.), Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Wine bar · Nordend-West · 6 consigli e recensioni

EleEle: Great brunch!

Friedberger Markt is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

25. Friedberger Markt

Friedberger Platz, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Mercato dei contadini · Innenstadt · 3 consigli e recensioni
Wein35 is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

27. Wein35

Brückenstr. 35 (Kleine Brückenstr.), Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Wine bar · Sachsenhausen-Nord · 9 consigli e recensioni

He_La_FraHe_La_Fra: Die Weine super. Leider gibt es keine Schokolade!

Café Größenwahn is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

28. Café Größenwahn

Lenaustr. 97, Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Bar Caffè · Nordend-West · 10 consigli e recensioni

Thomas S.Thomas Sauerlaender: Good Food and nice people. The "Place to go" in Frankfurt Nordend!

VaiVai is one of Frankfurt for Hipster.

29. VaiVai

Grüneburgweg 16 (Leerbachstr.), Francoforte sul Meno, Assia
Lounge · Westend-Nord · 49 consigli e recensioni

Karolina K.Karolina Kukielka: great service, food & drinks! apart from the smoking idea after 11pm