Dawn MacDonald

Dawn MacDonald


event planner, seeker of cool events, restaurants and great haunts, finder of trendsetters, fashion mavens, tastemakers...cool gig right?

Toronto, Canada
  • 15 Suggerimenti
  • 49 Follower
  • 77 Seguendo
  • Liste 8

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Principali città di Dawn
1 Lista creata · 1 Consiglio
3 Liste create · 8 Consigli
1 Consiglio
Liste recenti di Dawn
Dawn MacDonald
2 posti aggiornati Febbraio 10, 2013
2 posti incluso Footes Bay, Muskoka, Georgetown South
Dawn MacDonald
6 posti aggiornati Novembre 9, 2021
Places to go that are family friendly
Dawn MacDonald
1 posti aggiornati Febbraio 1, 2012
1 posto incluso Thompson Hotel
Dawn MacDonald
6 posti aggiornati Agosto 19, 2011
6 posti incluso Leslieville Cheese Market, Cirque du Soleil, St. Michael's Hospital, Sushi Bar
Dawn MacDonald
3 posti aggiornati
3 posti incluso The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto, The Bitter End Pub and Grill, Thompson Hotel
Dawn MacDonald
5 posti aggiornati
5 posti incluso Aft, Cineplex Cinemas Beaches, Festival Of The Sound Station Gallery, e11even
Liste di DawnListe create da DawnListe Dawn seguite
Consigli recenti di Dawn
"Had heard a lot about it, food was great but atmosphere was cold and not terribly friendly. Come on, you can do it! Don't buy too much into your own hype."
Dawn MacDonaldDawn MacDonald · Luglio 2, 2013
Neo americano
· Toronto, Canada
"The best homemade waffles in Muskoka. Served in the cottage, on the deck or down at the dock. Feel free to join us!"
Dawn MacDonaldDawn MacDonald · Febbraio 16, 2013
· MacTier, Canada
"Great neighbourhood local."
Dawn MacDonaldDawn MacDonald · Febbraio 22, 2012
· Toronto, Canada
"Gina. In order to be the mayor you must pay the mortgage. Lol."
Dawn MacDonaldDawn MacDonald · Febbraio 10, 2012
Appartamento o condominio
· Toronto, Canada
"Avoid between 2 pm and 7 pm. Insane traffic on way to cottage"
Dawn MacDonaldDawn MacDonald · Novembre 25, 2011
· Toronto, Canada