Visualizza tutte le liste su Sofia 0 posti aggiornati
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50 posti incluso Bahçe Cafe, Scandal Lounge Cafe, Pasha, Кафе-сладкарница Фон Фон
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"nice music , peaceful place , beautiful view . Very good and nice staff "
Bar Caffè
· Sofia, Bulgaria
8.2 "nice and delicious ice yogurt . You can add fruits , cereal , chocolate , cookies or candy "
"The food is fresh and delicious!"
· Sofia, Bulgaria
"Very good shop with a lot of different products. The shop works 24/7. The stuff are nice and good. You can find fresh vegetables and fruits . Also meals for lunch and dinner !"
Negozio di frutta e verdura
· Bulgaria
5.7 "The hotel is nice and big. The staff are kind and friendly . The problem is that there is internet only on the reception."
"Nice place in the centre. Very good kitchen. Sometimes is little more crowded "
Europeo moderno
· Sofia, Bulgaria