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The Mob Museum

The Mob Museum

Museo di storia
Downtown Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Icona Consigli e recensioni126 Consigli e recensioni
  • museo
  • adatto alle famiglie
  • interactive displays
  • museums
  • tours
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  • K M.
    K MSettembre 27, 2014
    Once you buy your tickets you get a wristband that allows you to leave and come back. Great if you want to catch a bite but don't want to rush through the exhibits.
    Votato positivo 3 settimane fa
  • Teresa C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Teresa CaroAgosto 15, 2014
    It's like Disney for mobs. The attention to detail is amazing. If you are fascinated with mobsters and the mafia definitely check this out.
    Votato positivo Dec 15, 2024
  • Natalieicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    NatalieSettembre 27, 2016
    Three stories of nothing but the mob. It's so well designed and has a great flow with a ton of interactive displays throughout. Set aside 2-3 hours for everything. Parking is $5 for three hours.
  • Brad H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Brad HagerMarzo 22, 2017
    VERY GOOD, lots of history, great videos & explanation throughout. Snack bar, drinks, coffee, beer, popcorn, etc. Suggest at least 3 hrs. Discount for Vegas locals. WELL WORTH IT!!
  • SooFabicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    SooFabOttobre 28, 2019
    This place is so awesome. So much to see and cool simulations. It’s 4 floors and I spent 3 hours and only got through 2 floors. Well worth the ticket price.
  • Morgan W.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Morgan WaldronAprile 13, 2013
    Great speakers scheduled for this year. The membership is quickly recovered in a couple of visits to the Museum or the events. Always recommend this place.
  • C-SPAN
    C-SPANGiugno 27, 2016
    The Mob Museum recognizes the important role organized crime played in the development of Los Vegas. To learn more about the mob's influence watch this C-SPAN video. Leggi tutto
  • What's Good Hereicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    What's Good HereAgosto 12, 2014
    There's a reason this was voted as Best Museum in NV Mag. Incredibly well done & informative, tech is put to good use making the experience fun & immersive. Well worth the visit to Fremont alone.
  • Lux Delux
    Lux DeluxNovembre 29, 2012
    For an unconventional day out, treat your group to an excursion unlike any other - the entire museum is available to rent for private parties, corporate events, or just because you don't like crowds.
  • Colleen S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Colleen ShawFebbraio 3, 2017
    At first I thought the cost was a bit high, about 25.00 per adult. However, there is so much to see! Worth the money. Great photos, artifacts and videos throughout.
  • Joshua C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Joshua ConleyMaggio 25, 2015
    Excellent exhibits and interactive displays. It never felt crowded or rushed. The Mob Museum is an interesting place to visit, without a doubt.
  • Sapphire F.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Sapphire FulpMarzo 7, 2014
    The mob museum is packed with information. It was very active and had lots of interactive displays. I loved it and I'm not a mob fanatic like some. Great way to enjoys an hour or so!
  • Arash N.
    Arash NarchiGennaio 1, 2017
    So much to learn ! You can spend hours here - worth the visit. Make sure to check out the 1st floor for a photo wall of celebs who portrayed monsters in movies
  • Sites in S.
    Sites in SeoulMaggio 12, 2014
    Discounts for Military, Police and Teachers. Way to go. Find a coupon for $2.00 off to use. Try not to drive it cost $5.00 to park at the Museum. But it is a neat place to spend a few hours.
  • Gary T.
    Gary TorielloSettembre 15, 2014
    Watch all of the movies as you go through the museum. They are more interesting than the actual exhibits.
  • Christine W.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Christine WilsonFebbraio 27, 2016
    Immense amount of things to learn. Get the tour you will not regret it. They will explain a lot and you will want to stay longer for more.
  • Nelson C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Nelson CohenGennaio 6, 2020
    Great place to visit. Excellent value. Discounts almost always available through online search. Gives an excellent history of the Mob and ties to Las Vegas. Highly Recommend.
  • Tana B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Tana BabcockNovembre 2, 2015
    Definitely worth your time and money. They have this place so well laid out - it is amazing! Plan to spend some time here. Lots to see.
  • Walter B.
    Walter BarnesLuglio 14, 2013
    This gives a comprehensive account of the origins and growth of organized crime in America. It is a must see for anyone interested in interactive history. Reminds me of a Smithsonian museum.
  • Jennifer D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jennifer DriggersGiugno 13, 2014
    This is a really informative piece of history. I strongly recommend checking this place out. The good thing is that when you pay admission, it will allow you in/out flexibility on same day visit.
  • DJ T.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    DJ TainoLuglio 17, 2015
    Nice break from the strip. Fun for adults and teens. Our 13 year old suggested we visit and we all enjoyed!
  • Ronan M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Ronan MooneyMarzo 6, 2015
    A lot of reading but some interesting stuff and fun interactive tommy gun and revolver displays! But of culture (be it dark culture) in an otherwise culture lacking city!
  • Sharon O.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Sharon OwensLuglio 20, 2015
    I think it's very educational it shows a lot of what happened back in the early thirties and forties and fifties and it's an experience that I think everyone should experience
  • Travel + Leisure
    Travel + LeisureGennaio 30, 2013
    The federal courthouse where the 1950 Kefauver Hearings on Organized Crime were held is now a museum dedicated to the history of mobsters. Among the exhibits are real weapons used by Mafia hit men.
  • David P.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    David ProfumoAgosto 1, 2018
    Great history, the interactive parts are intense, and the speakeasy is a lot of fun!
  • M. ManagerDicembre 4, 2012
    All this exploring make you wanna work here? Well get out your cameras, the time's drawing near. Make your WOW face at our future HQ, Instagram it with #zapposhunt #dtlv & your quest will be through!
  • Allicat22 W.
    Allicat22 WGiugno 21, 2022
    Interesting exhibits, lots to read. Leave the kids - some pics you won't want to see or explain to them. We enjoyed the museum.
  • Lux Delux
    Lux DeluxGiugno 14, 2012
    Take a bit of the family business home with you - Las Vegas and Godfather editions of Monopoly, casino-precision dice and a deluxe, clay-chip poker set are available for purchase in the on-site store.
  • Emilio C.
    Emilio COttobre 9, 2018
    This is a very interesting look at the history of organized crime in the United States. Have a drink downstairs before going around.
  • Rob W.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Rob WawrzynczakOttobre 15, 2018
    Great museum, interesting and well thought out! Easily can spend 3hr there
  • Thaisa F.
    Thaisa FernandesOttobre 23, 2014
    Great museum. It has three floors, take a longer time. And you can buy tickets from the Neon Museum + MOB Museum for $ 30
  • Cameron R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Cameron RyanNovembre 28, 2016
    Very informative & entertaining museum. Very interactive & you can take pictures. Friendly & knowledgeable staff. I'd go back.
  • Mike Doriaicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Mike DoriaNovembre 3, 2012
    The Mob Museum (originally a Courthouse & Post Office) was built in 1933 - the last year of prohibition. Work crews built a Gin bottle into a west side wall trying to cover up their drinking.
  • Paula M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Paula MadeiraFebbraio 11, 2018
    Very cool place with a lot of history regarding the mob and prohibition. It takes around 2h30 to see it all.
  • Mike D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Mike DoriaOttobre 25, 2012
    È stato qui più di 50 volte
    On the 3rd floor -- in the prohibition section -- make sure you wait until the movie stops & screen goes up. An artifact will be revealed.
  • Juanjo S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Juanjo SantosSettembre 5, 2016
    Fantástico!! Un ejemplo de como crear un museo que responde todas tus preguntas, es muy interactivo. A priori puede parecer caro, no lo es
  • Luciana d.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Maravilhoso! Passeio imperdível para quem curte o tema máfia e história, já que é possível entender como LV se desenvolveu!
  • Rhonda F.
    Rhonda FleitmanMarzo 26, 2014
    Lots of cool things to see here. The wall from the St. Valentine's Day massacre (complete with bullet holes) and other items from the Prohibition era.
  • Karlin L.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Karlin LaramySettembre 14, 2016
    Great museum that will teach you anything and everything about any kind of Mob
  • Ron S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Ron SpinabellaSettembre 20, 2017
    Very interesting, went here with my mom a few years ago. Lots of things i didn't know about the mob from the Tv documentaries
  • Angie H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Angie HOttobre 24, 2015
    A great off-the-strip activity! A pretty interactive museum packed with information. Set aside a couple hours to soak it all up.
  • Jacob B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jacob BorgSettembre 6, 2020
    Great museum! Anton is amazing! We spent quite a bit of time talking with him in the Crime Lab exhibit.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Tracey S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Tracey SimoneauxNovembre 3, 2018
    This was an excellent tour! A must see in Vegas...
  • Bush & Levy Law
    Bush & Levy LawAprile 4, 2013
    Psst. Few people know this, but upon restoring the building for The Mob Museum a gin bottle was found in a 3rd floor wall. The building was built in 1933 -- the last year of prohibition.
  • Morgan W.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Morgan WaldronMarzo 26, 2013
    The lectures and speaking events are AWESOME! There's a lot of benefits to becoming a member and it's only $25 for the year! Love this place.
  • HRH G.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    HRH Green BeerAprile 17, 2019
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Met Gianni Russo from The Godfather! Sexy!
  • Mari C.
    Mari C.Novembre 3, 2013
    The $19.95 entry fee is well worth it! We spent 3 1/2 hours there. With your wristband you can also leave and come back later that day.
  • pieter v.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    pieter vNovembre 24, 2018
    Very interesting museum! Read it all!
  • Charlieicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    CharlieFebbraio 21, 2015
    Be prepared for an information overload. Have to make two trips to really experience the museum. Loved it!
  • Jon B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jon BevisLuglio 3, 2019
    This was a fascinating museum, and the exhibits were very nicely put together.
Foto795 Foto

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