Probably the single most ambitious production I've ever seen. Amazing sets and cuteactors, but even those who are experts in the Shakespeare play will find this hard to follow.
An amazing dream (someone's else dream), interactive, mysterious, mystical, voyeuristic, erotic and beautiful! If you can go don't miss it! Is one life time experience.
Amazing amazing show. You have to go at least 2ce! Make sure to open drawers explore all angles and open books. Run after the people with no masks, be aware of your surroundings.
The McKittrick Hotel was one of the more wished for places throughout 2015’s I Want Somewhere holiday campaign. Where’s your somewhere? Enter to win a bucket list experience. Leggi tutto
Make sure to skim the MacBeth Sparknotes if you're not familiar with the play, it will make the experience richer (and help you determine who to follow!) - a completely unique experience!
Front-load your exploration (totally worth it, try every door!) but be sure to start following the actors in the second hour. There is some stuff going on that you do not want to miss.
Take your time and make sure to re-visit rooms you've already been in. Scrub up on Macbeth before you go. You can't possibly see it all in 3 hours, so make sure you go back!
Definitely take some time to strike up a conversation with the beautiful people in the bar, and have your fortune told if you're lucky. Your night may yet have twists.
It's virtually impossible to follow the plot. And to rub it in your face they try to sell you their book for another 20$, so that you understand "how the individual scenes fit together".
There are three cycles. The play starts in the hotel lobby (floor 2?), actors change clothes in the coat check room. It helps to follow MacBeth through an entire cycle to get the story.
If you go with a group, DO NOT try to stay together. It's best to have individual experiences, compare notes afterwards. Don't bring your phone in, don't check the time, don't try to see everything!
If you want to see the rave scene, it's on the 4th floor. The room is at the end of a long, very narrow hallway. If you see the three witches on that floor, stock with them and they'll lead you there
Separate from your friends! It's easier to run after people and you can share your unique experience later. The red witch is my favorite - we got some one on one time and it was unforgettable!
Wear good shoes, contact lenses instead of glasses, and dress lightly. Be prepared to go up and down several flights of stairs. And follow the man with the bloodstains on his clothing.
Don't try and stick together as a group. This is a solo adventure and it's obnoxious trying to navigate around couples holding hands walking around. You paid $95 for the ticket just go enjoy it.
This Macbeth-meets-Kubrick interactive experience is the most exciting thing to happen in New York theater in a decade. For more local tips, follow us on 4sq or check out
No matter where you've been/what you've seen, you've never experienced anything quite like this. Don't read reviews, don't hesitate, don't think about it - JUST FUCKING GO. You'll thank me later.
if you come with your significant other, please don't hold their hand the entire time...explore on your own and share stories in the Manderley Bar at the end.