Samantha Goldsberry

Samantha Goldsberry


New York, NY
  • 1 Suggerimenti
  • 21 Follower
  • 41 Seguendo
  • Liste 4

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Principali città di Samantha
New York
2 Liste create · 1 Consiglio
1 Lista creata
1 Lista creata
2 Liste create
Samantha Goldsberry
19 posti aggiornati Febbraio 9, 2015
A growing list of places to visit. Feel free to add to it!
Samantha Goldsberry
22 posti aggiornati Dicembre 14, 2015
A growing list of places to eat at in NYC that I haven't tried yet. Suggestions welcome.
Samantha Goldsberry
0 posti aggiornati
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Samantha Goldsberry
2 posti aggiornati
2 posti incluso Sing Sing Karaoke, Bouldering Project Brooklyn
Liste di SamanthaListe create da SamanthaListe Samantha seguite
"The pho is definitely on the upper end of quality, but the spring rolls are f#cking amazing. Also, get a cup of Vietnamese coffee (hot or cold) to go when you leave. You won't regret it."
Samantha GoldsberrySamantha Goldsberry · Giugno 7, 2013
· New York, Stati Uniti