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9 posti aggiornati
9 posti incluso ElDiset, Pitinbar, Alsur Café (El Born), Konoba Menego
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"Great selection of Catalan wines and assorted snacks."
Wine bar
· Barcellona, Spagna
8.4"Outside seating, chill atmosphere"
· Barcellona, Spagna
5.4"Monday trivia and Wednesday poker nights are great nights to have a good time with good people."
· Landstuhl, Germania
7.4"Small airport and free wifi"
· Kaštel Štafilić, Croazia
4.9"Pasticada with Njoki is the dish this place is known for. So good!"
· Spalato, Croazia
6.8"When the waiter gives advice, listen! This was the best fish I have had in a long time!"
Tavola Calda
· Spalato, Croazia