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Restaurant Stiege

Restaurant Stiege

Ristorante italiano€€€€
Moritzplatz, Berlino
Icona Consigli e recensioni12 Consigli e recensioni
  • buon prezzo
  • autentico
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  • Helge T.
    Helge TippmannAprile 1, 2018
    Pizza for 4 euros is quite ok, also the Kofte was good (said our local Iranian). Salad can be skiooed, but waiters are very friendly (came in with 18 people without reservation &they said no problem).
  • aysin s.
    aysin s.Settembre 23, 2014
    ein laden mit altem west-berliner-flair. bisschen muffig, das essen ist ok, die mitarbeiter sind sehr freundlich.
  • Chrisicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    ChrisAgosto 3, 2015
    Also beim Salat für 6€ ist Luft nach oben. Zentimeterdicke Zweibelscheiben, riesige Tomatenstücke, ... Naja.
  • Alissa L.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Alissa LudanskaaMaggio 18, 2019
    Cheap and entertaining place. Weird German/Italian mix of dishes. The chicken was the best of what we had.
  • Valery S.
    Valery SpiridonovMaggio 7, 2014
    The food is tasty enourh. The place is not crowded. It is almost perfect place! Еда более чем вкусная, посетителей не много, официаты понимают наш ломаный английский. Замечательное место!
  • Michel V.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Michel Van den BergGennaio 11, 2013
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Good balance between price and food quality. Generally large meals, waiters might improve on friendliness. Mind you, today (11 Jan 2013) service is quite friendly and presentation of food has improved
  • Floris D.
    Floris DekkerDicembre 8, 2012
    Mediocre and cheap is the best way to describe the food here. It's not terrible.
  • Mathias T.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Mathias ThielAgosto 9, 2014
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Eine Kuriosität aus Berlins 80ern...
  • Georgina B.
    Georgina BoneteFebbraio 9, 2013
    I dont like the food here. Neither the waiters, they are not friendly
  • Lucas W.
    Lucas WinnerSettembre 24, 2011
    Gute Nudel und Pizzagerichte
  • Alper Ç.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Alper ÇuğunNovembre 22, 2016
    The worst pizza I have eaten in a long time.
  • Abe B.
    Abe BMaggio 18, 2011
    Old, traditional place, quite ok food, pizzas A-ok
Foto46 Foto

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