Every Thursday, Neo hosts an '80’s themed dance party that celebrates the best of new wave music. Living on Video is about wearing all black and dancing grimly in the dark. Sometimes there's a theme. Leggi tutto
Picture the first scene in "Blade," where Wesley Snipes is hunting the vampires in the underground club. Now picture everyone there having a fantastic time on the dance floor. You're here! Enjoy!
everyone at Neo is beautiful. but, they're all here to have fun... trying to take someone home is bad form. come with friends and just dance and have a damn good time.
"There's a place downtown where the freaks all come around. It's a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free for all." Welcome to Neo!! Remember to tip your bartenders!
Drinks are expensive and very weak. ATM $4 charge. Music and people are really great though. Love the atmosphere but I won't be getting my drink on here.