Morgans Hotel Group Manager

New York, NY
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Principali città di Morgans Hotel Group
7 Liste create · 46 Consigli
New York
2 Liste create · 21 Consigli
Liste recenti di Morgans Hotel Group
9 posti aggiornati Novembre 8, 2021
Or picks of the most relevant and interesting events taking place in New York for Social Media Week 2013
11 posti aggiornati Febbraio 2, 2013
We've scouted the Top 10 Fashion's Night Out destinations in SoHo. Shop til you drop and then head back to Royalton or Hudson to escape the chaos with a signature Fashion's Night Out cocktail.
6 posti aggiornati Luglio 23, 2012
Sanderson & St Martins Lane love London and her hidden gems. Let us show you the places we adore, and make sure you share your secret places too.
7 posti aggiornati Agosto 8, 2012
Check out St James' Park, the South Bank and more on this quick little cycle over and back across the Thames.
7 posti aggiornati Marzo 30, 2012
We know contrary to popular belief fashionistas love a bit of cake! So follow us round some of Londons tops stores and a quick visit to the great Nordic Bakery
9 posti aggiornati Marzo 30, 2012
Visit some of London's top galleries and enjoy the vibrant South Bank on this 4.7 mile tour. Not forgetting a relaxing trip Tate to Tate on the Thames
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Consigli recenti di Morgans Hotel Group
"Navigating the sea of love isn't always easy in NYC, especially in an age of digital everything.Stop in for a seminar on Dating and Relationships in the Digital Age at 9:30 AM on Wednesday,February 20"
Morgans Hotel Group Manager · Febbraio 20, 2013
· New York, Stati Uniti
"Stop in and check out Hudson's new beer hall and burger joint, Hudson Common. The Common burger, a local beer on tap and a old-fashioned custard will make for one memorable meal!"
Morgans Hotel Group Manager · Febbraio 20, 2013
· New York, Stati Uniti
"Social Media can have significant impact when it comes to controversial matters. Listen to a seminar on politics and government and the role social media plays. Theatre 511, Friday, Feb 22, 3PM"
Morgans Hotel Group Manager · Febbraio 20, 2013
Appartamento o condominio
· New York, Stati Uniti
"Being a comedian isn't easy, especially when you're confined to 140 characters. Hearst Magazine will provide tips on how to sharpen your game. Thursday, February 21, 2:30PM"
Morgans Hotel Group Manager · Febbraio 20, 2013
· New York, Stati Uniti
"The community manager role is quickly becoming one of the most dynamic roles in the marketing industry. This master class session breaks down its evolution. Thursday, February 21, 2PM"
Morgans Hotel Group Manager · Febbraio 20, 2013
Spazio per eventi
· New York, Stati Uniti
"Where music meets social, this "music-tech crawl" will have in-class presentations, interactive pit sessions, a music awards dinner and some of the biggest influencers in the field. Thursday, Feb 21"
Morgans Hotel Group Manager · Febbraio 20, 2013
Museo di storia
· New York, Stati Uniti