Michelle Wendy

Michelle Wendy

African heart 🌍 Western mind 🌎 Eastern soul 🌏 Scholastic Smart and Sarcastic #NotFuckingPlastic💋

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  • 212 Follower
  • 338 Seguendo
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Le liste di Michelle Wendy su Tutte le città
  • Brooklyn
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Principali città di Michelle Wendy
1 Lista creata · 66 Consigli
New York
22 Consigli
San Juan
1 Lista creata · 2 Consigli
Cape Town
1 Lista creata · 2 Consigli
3 Consigli
3 Consigli
Roslyn Heights
2 Consigli
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Liste recenti di Michelle Wendy
Michelle Wendy
14 posti aggiornati Luglio 19, 2016
14 posti incluso Arco del Triunfo, Amaltea, Veggie Garden, Aire de Barcelona
Michelle Wendy
0 posti aggiornati Maggio 10, 2013
Nessun posto
Michelle Wendy
87 posti aggiornati Novembre 10, 2021
87 posti incluso Fork Restaurant, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Manna Epicure, Van Hunks
Michelle Wendy
23 posti aggiornati Agosto 2, 2013
23 posti incluso Wok and Roll, Luxe Lounge, Trio, Rapsodia Lounge
Michelle Wendy
4 posti aggiornati Novembre 1, 2012
Generated by The Winestersquare - http://thewinestersquare.appspot.com
Michelle Wendy
46 posti aggiornati Giugno 10, 2014
46 posti incluso Dragonfly, Ocean Park Beach, WOW Surfing School and Jet Ski, Stop & Go Mini Mart
    Consigli recenti di Michelle Wendy
    "The $25 prixe fix on Wednesdays is a great deal- perfect portions, varied offerings per course to satiate meat & veg eaters alike and good overall value for your money."
    Michelle WendyMichelle Wendy · Novembre 25, 2014
    · Brooklyn, Stati Uniti
    "<$2.50 for regular 😜. Thrilled you hardly have to leave NY for cheap-o gas ⛽️👌"
    Michelle WendyMichelle Wendy · Novembre 9, 2014
    Stazione di rifornimento
    · North Brunswick, Stati Uniti
    "Love the little basket of muffins- cute and very tasty. Good way to start the meal"
    Michelle WendyMichelle Wendy · Ottobre 4, 2014
    · New York, Stati Uniti
    "The coconut sorbet is airy light yet creamy on the tongue. Better than dairy! The coconut is distinct, not artificial tasting or overpowering. Very clean & well balanced. I can't wait to try more!!🍨"
    Michelle WendyMichelle Wendy · Ottobre 4, 2014
    · Brooklyn, Stati Uniti
    "This little pavement park is perfect to kick back day or eve. There are chairs, tables & benches dot the sidewalk. Just don't do as we did & eat hot Chuko takeaways the hottest evening of the summer!"
    Michelle WendyMichelle Wendy · Settembre 3, 2014
    · Brooklyn, Stati Uniti
    "In summer months they have rooftop Pilates or yoga every Monday eve at 6:30. Check their events calendar, buy via Brown Paper Tix & email ahead of the class you're attending if you bought a pack🙏🌆"
    Michelle WendyMichelle Wendy · Agosto 26, 2014
    · Brooklyn, Stati Uniti