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Living Computer Museum

Living Computer Museum

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  • Shinsuke S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Shinsuke SuzukiLuglio 7, 2015
    Tell them you checked in with Foursquare, and get a discount for the admission fee as low as $3! And furthermore, you can get a $5 off voucher for EMP museum. What a good deal!
  • Sinem Eylem A.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Sinem Eylem ArslanNovembre 14, 2014
    A must-visit geek stop for an exciting time-travel to most prominent IT inventions of the past.
  • AmateurConciergeicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    AmateurConciergeOttobre 14, 2018
    Awesome awesome museum. Could spend a couple hours upstairs if ur an 80s baby, but the kids will love the modern stuff downstairs
  • Daron Y.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Daron YondemNovembre 8, 2014
    One of the best museums ever. There is a Windows 1.0 device running in real! Fun to play with it.
  • C.Y. L.
    C.Y. LeeFebbraio 25, 2013
    Tours start at 15 past the hour. Kids under 12 free. There is a secret drawer containing radioactive material.
  • Dave D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Dave DaviesLuglio 13, 2018
    Visit the 80s room. Either it'll take you back or show you how your parents spent their youth. :)
  • Milo P.
    Milo PriceSettembre 16, 2014
    Awesome place. You can take home any punchcards you print out.
  • Richard J.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Richard JhangAprile 5, 2015
    Check out the old Cray that has a built in freon cooling mechanism!
  • David C.
    David CieslakAprile 22, 2013
    Found this place on a lark. What a journey through time! Brought back so many memories - loved it!
  • Giovanni Z.
    Giovanni ZanchettaOttobre 11, 2014
    Awesome place! Taylor is an excellent host, very knowledgeable. A must see in Seattle.
  • Eden B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Eden BDicembre 30, 2018
    A very interactive museum explaining clearly the importance and integration of computers and technology
  • Elizabeth B.
    Elizabeth BursteinOttobre 26, 2019
    Could spend hours here! Full of throwbacks and learning opportunities
  • Sharon F.
    Sharon FisherMarzo 31, 2019
    If you're into computers at all, check this place out.
  • Yasminicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    YasminAgosto 10, 2019
    Hands down best museum in Seattle !! So entertaining
  • bdc2000 C.
    bdc2000 CronshawMaggio 19, 2013
    The restored mainframes are amazing.
  • Andrew B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Andrew BAprile 8, 2013
    Nearly every computer is on and available for exploration!
  • Kirillicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    KirillAgosto 25, 2013
    This place is awesome!
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