Bruce C.

Bruce C.


New York, NY
  • 43 Suggerimenti
  • 25 Follower
  • 18 Seguendo
  • Liste 5

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Principali città di Bruce
New York
3 Liste create · 34 Consigli
Los Angeles
1 Consiglio
Depoe Bay
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
Beach Haven
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
Bruce C.
2 posti aggiornati Luglio 1, 2013
2 posti incluso Vegetarian Dim Sum House, Uptown Vegetarian Food & Juice Bar
Bruce C.
1 posti aggiornati Dicembre 2, 2012
1 posto incluso Saggio
Bruce C.
1 posti aggiornati Dicembre 22, 2011
1 posto incluso The First Thai Street Food Truck
Bruce C.
5 posti aggiornati
5 posti incluso Blossom Restaurant, Bocca East, Plenty, Academy Records & CDs
Bruce C.
31 posti aggiornati
31 posti incluso Depoe Baykery, M&P Authentic Thai Cuisine, Bay Street Pier House, Two Boots Upper West Side
Liste di BruceListe create da BruceListe Bruce seguite
Consigli recenti di Bruce
"Amazing donuts!"
Bruce C.Bruce C. · Agosto 7, 2014
· Depoe Bay, Stati Uniti
"Got some emails to read on your phone? A couple of sudokus to figure out? Good. You'll be waiting a long time for your car."
Bruce C.Bruce C. · Luglio 15, 2014
Viaggi e trasporti
· New York, Stati Uniti
"Savory food and generous portions. Family run business by some very nice folks. Try the Brussels Sprout pizza. Surprisingly delicious!"
Bruce C.Bruce C. · Luglio 3, 2014
· New York, Stati Uniti
"delicious food. awesome owners. try the Brussels Sprouts pizza--ricotta & mozzarella. add bacon if you need meat, but I like it vegetarian style. YUM!"
Bruce C.Bruce C. · Febbraio 11, 2014
· New York, Stati Uniti
"Chickpea Fries are a treat you can't pass up-but beware! They are VERY filling. Plan to share-and let those bad boys cool down when they get to the table, or you'll go home with a few less tastebuds!"
Bruce C.Bruce C. · Febbraio 4, 2014
Ristorante vegetariano e vegano
· New York, Stati Uniti