Kirill Korbout

Kirill Korbout


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 4 Suggerimenti
  • 57 Follower
  • 14 Seguendo
  • Liste 2

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Kirill Korbout
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Kirill Korbout
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"Koay Teow Soup is very nice and Curry Mee is very good! Fried oyster a bit slow"
Kirill KorboutKirill Korbout · Settembre 10, 2010
· Georgetown, Malesia
"Enjoy on of the best views of KL and the tallest twin towers in the world on the roof top of Traders Hotel. Swimming Pool, great music and ambiance. A must if you are in town!"
Kirill KorboutKirill Korbout · Aprile 26, 2010
Bar dell'hotel
· Kuala Lumpur, Malesia
"Do spend a fantastic time with the 19 Elephants in this unique wild-life reserve/orphanage. About 1.5 hours away from KL and definitely one of the best out door experiences in the region hands down."
Kirill KorboutKirill Korbout · Aprile 26, 2010
· Lanchang, Malesia
"if you are looking for some great Japanese food in KL, look no further. So far the Japanese food in Malaysia I've had the pleasure to try. Futomaki rolls are heavenly but requires a big mouth!"
Kirill KorboutKirill Korbout · Aprile 26, 2010
· Kuala Lumpur, Malesia