Khristina Quimod

Khristina Quimod


Fort Worth, Texas
  • 12 Suggerimenti
  • 5 Follower
  • 3 Seguendo
  • Liste 3
Le liste di Khristina su Tutte le città
  • Niagara Falls
  • Dallas
  • Saginaw
  • Fort Worth
  • Tutte le città
Principali città di Khristina
Niagara Falls
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
2 Consigli
Fort Worth
7 Consigli
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Carica altro
Khristina Quimod
0 posti aggiornati Gennaio 28, 2016
Nessun posto
Khristina Quimod
57 posti aggiornati
57 posti incluso Noodles @ Boba Tea House, Bethany, Fort Worth Food Park, Clearfork Food Park
Khristina Quimod
34 posti aggiornati
34 posti incluso Aeroporto Internazionale di Chicago O'Hare, Ulta Beauty, Mamma Mia Italian Grill & Pizza, Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation
    Consigli recenti di Khristina
    "It's absolutely beautiful, I suggest to all to go do it. Though I may suggest bringing sunglasses because you will get soaked"
    Khristina QuimodKhristina Quimod · Luglio 13, 2016
    Barca / Traghetto
    · Niagara Falls, Canada
    "This is a nice dance school, you can learn a lot from it. It's best for younger girls sadly, the older you get, the less class options there is. (Age range 4-18)"
    Khristina QuimodKhristina Quimod · Agosto 22, 2015
    Studio di danza
    · Saginaw, Stati Uniti
    "There is good service, good food and it's a place everyone needs to go to one dey"
    Khristina QuimodKhristina Quimod · Aprile 15, 2015
    · Fort Worth, Stati Uniti
    "This was such a fun museum to go to! Be sure to come early so you can have enough time to go to each exhibit. The cafe food was surprisingly good and be sure to go to the sports exhibit."
    Khristina QuimodKhristina Quimod · Marzo 21, 2015
    Musei di scienze
    · Dallas, Stati Uniti
    "The frappuccinos are the best! I've tried so many and was impressed. The food options are plentiful and really good. The coffee isn't bad, considering I don't like coffee that much."
    Khristina QuimodKhristina Quimod · Marzo 13, 2015
    · Fort Worth, Stati Uniti
    "This is a burger joint you want to go to, it's very lively with good service and great value. The burgers are really good and so are the fries. Be careful with the fries, they severe it in big amounts"
    Khristina QuimodKhristina Quimod · Marzo 13, 2015
    Fast food
    · Fort Worth, Stati Uniti