John Park

John Park

  • 4 Suggerimenti
  • 10 Follower
  • 4 Seguendo
  • Liste 2

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Principali città di John
Los Angeles
1 Consiglio
Santa Monica
3 Consigli
John Park
0 posti aggiornati
Nessun posto
John Park
7 posti aggiornati
7 posti incluso Phó Hà Plus, Seoul Pho, Paradise Cove Beach Cafe, Spinfish Poke
Liste di JohnListe create da JohnListe John seguite
"Unique like no other pho places I ever visited"
John ParkJohn Park · Dicembre 30, 2019
· Los Angeles, Stati Uniti
"Tasty nachos"
John ParkJohn Park · Gennaio 9, 2017
Ristorante di poke
· Santa Monica, Stati Uniti
"Their signature bowls are tasty but creating your own bowls with unlimited toppings are great."
John ParkJohn Park · Settembre 14, 2016
Ristorante di poke
· Santa Monica, Stati Uniti
"Some other poke places are very pricey especially with just a small bowl, but Spinfish bowls are great with unlimited toppings and their prices including large size bowls are reasonable, too."
John ParkJohn Park · Settembre 14, 2016
Ristorante di poke
· Santa Monica, Stati Uniti