Jessica Lehmann


Hackney, UK
  • 1 Suggerimenti
  • 54 Follower
  • 46 Seguendo
  • Liste 2

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Principali città di Jessica
New York
1 Consiglio
3 posti aggiornati
3 posti incluso Spice Market, ilili Restaurant, Dia:Beacon
7 posti aggiornati
7 posti incluso Shane Confectionery, The Franklin Fountain, Buttermilk Channel, Van Leeuwen Ice Cream
Liste di JessicaListe create da JessicaListe Jessica seguite
"Pop in with friends for a lovely relaxed meal, or go read a book and eat at the bar table. Staff super friendly and the owner is a fascinating guy. Order the raw key lime pie."
Jessica Lehmann · Aprile 17, 2014
Ristorante vegetariano e vegano
· New York, Stati Uniti