Jay F

Jay F

South Florida
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Le liste di Jay su Tutte le città
  • Jupiter
  • Juno Beach
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Juno Beach
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Jay F
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Jay F
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    "Thank you for not disrupting our perfect lives."
    Jay FJay F · Giugno 30, 2012
    Complesso edilizio
    · Jupiter, Stati Uniti
    "This lilly white neighborhood is fraught with spoiled adults trying to keep up with the joneses. Drive through this place and count the number of pampered wife's power walking with full makeup on."
    Jay FJay F · Giugno 30, 2012
    Complesso edilizio
    · Jupiter, Stati Uniti
    "Very quiet at outside tables on Sunday's early dinners"
    Jay FJay F · Maggio 13, 2012
    · Juno Beach, Stati Uniti