Jason Richardson

Jason Richardson


Sterling, VA
  • 13 Suggerimenti
  • 39 Follower
  • 270 Seguendo
  • Liste 6
Le liste di Jason su Tutte le città
  • Evansville
  • New York
  • Sterling
  • Tutte le città
Principali città di Jason
1 Lista creata
New York
4 Consigli
9 Consigli
Carica altro
Carica altro
Jason Richardson
0 posti aggiornati Luglio 5, 2014
Nessun posto
Jason Richardson
10 posti aggiornati Febbraio 25, 2013
10 posti incluso Burdette Aquatic Center, Hacienda Mexican Restaurants, Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden, Evansville Riverfront
Jason Richardson
1 posti aggiornati
1 posto incluso Smash Records
Jason Richardson
1 posti aggiornati
1 posto incluso Capital One Bank
    Consigli recenti di Jason
    "After 10pm the staff snatches money and throw your food at you. Then they act like they don't understand English. All of that occurs after you banged on the drive thru window to get their attn."
    Jason RichardsonJason Richardson · Aprile 17, 2013
    Fast food
    · Sterling, Stati Uniti
    "The robotic arm stores your luggage. Doesn't take it to your room. Was the impression I had when I checked out the hotel online."
    Jason RichardsonJason Richardson · Febbraio 25, 2013
    · New York, Stati Uniti
    "Best boat tour ever! Be warned the credit card machine doesn't work. Bring cash if you want refreshments on the boat."
    Jason RichardsonJason Richardson · Febbraio 25, 2013
    · New York, Stati Uniti
    "I wouldn't suggest it. The guy seemed disinterested in serving his food. A few people left because of his attitude."
    Jason RichardsonJason Richardson · Febbraio 25, 2013
    Furgone gastronomia
    · New York, Stati Uniti
    "Go when the sun is starting to set. You'll get awesome pictures!"
    Jason RichardsonJason Richardson · Febbraio 25, 2013
    Luogo panoramico
    · New York, Stati Uniti
    "It's got all the necessities but most of all it has space. It's yoga room provides enough room to do a work out routine with no one to bother you. Awesome!"
    Jason RichardsonJason Richardson · Febbraio 12, 2013
    · Sterling, Stati Uniti