Ye olde friendlyneighborhoodbar, the Groveland Tap encompasses all things that make such a place great: good food, a joyous atmosphere, a lack of pretension, and a great beer selection. Leggi tutto
Order the poutine on Wednesday nights. The daily special is BeefPot Roast and somehow the two dishes combine when your order the poutine making it one of the finer things in life. You are welcome.
Thrilled that @grovelandtap now offers @Udisglutenfree buns! @AlecZilla was a happy camper. I overdid it in the AYCEbroasted Chicken, but totally worth it- YUM!
tuesday night trivia at 9pm with - general knowledgetrivia, visual round, movie round, song round. sign up on email list for weekly freebie answer.
All new menu! Burgers are automatically baskets, tasty new dishes. (Ellsworth burger & Bavarian pretzel: Mmmmmm), got rid of some sub-par dishes. Excellent improvement on an already awesome place!!!!!
The nachos disappointed my face off (squeezy-cheese like) but I come for the rare treat of pierogi at a bar. Great beef selection at the bar and it's in a nice area with easy parking.
American Restaurant & Sports Bar located in St. Paul, MN serving as the local neighorhood beer and burger joint suitable for families and groups to enjoy