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Suggerimenti per Ristorante vegetariano e vegano vicino a Universität, Monaco di Baviera

    • 8.1
      Ristorante vegetariano e vegano€€€€
      Türkenstr. 55 (Schellingstr.), Monaco di Baviera
      • Ann S.

        Ann S. • Ottobre 29, 2016Get their risotto! It'll be the best risotto you'll ever have. The waiters are also very friendly!

    • 6.2
      Ristorante vegetariano e vegano€€€
      Amalienstraße 91 (Adalbertstraße), Monaco di Baviera
      • KOMPAS

        KOMPAS • Luglio 18, 2015Not your usual take on ice cream, they use dates instead of sugar, cashew nuts instead of milk and fruits instead of flavours. Be sure to try their healthy alternative, for a creamy, and fresh taste.

    • ?
      Ristorante vegetariano e vegano€€€€
      Theresienstraße 27, Monaco di Baviera
    • ?
      Ristorante vegetariano e vegano€€€€
      Amalienstr. 91, Monaco di Baviera
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