


ExperienceLA.com is a unique partnership of public and private sponsors and over 2,000 actively contributing arts and cultural organizations. This collaboration exists to provide Los Angeles residents and visitors with a free public service and online resource about the wealth of art, cultural, recreational and life-long learning attractions in the greater Los Angeles area. With information on Los Angeles destinations and events including maps, itineraries, and public transit, ExperienceLA.com hopes to bring access to, awareness of, and participation in the breadth and depth of Los Angeles culture as well as its public transportation system.

Los Angeles, CA
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10 posti aggiornati Ottobre 25, 2011
Celebrating the LA art movement from 1945-1980 Pacific Standard Time is a unique and unprecedented collaboration of over 60 institutions across the region.
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    Consigli recenti di ExperienceLA
    "Closing weekend for "Now Dig This!" @Hammer_Museum with FREE admission Fri-Sun. Celebrity guest DJ MC Lyte performs tonight. Don't miss this exhibit! http://bit.ly/yMjiRU"
    ExperienceLAExperienceLA · Gennaio 6, 2012
    · Los Angeles, Stati Uniti
    ""Trouble in Paradise: Music and Los Angeles 1945-1975" explores the culture, politics and art of pop music during this era of social struggle."
    ExperienceLAExperienceLA · Ottobre 25, 2011
    · Los Angeles, Stati Uniti
    ""Peace Press Graphics 1967-1987: Art in the Pursuit of Social Change" features the work of the activist-artist group who created art meant to inspire political and social change."
    ExperienceLAExperienceLA · Ottobre 25, 2011
    Museo d'arte
    · Long Beach, Stati Uniti
    ""Art Along the Hyphen: The Mexican-American Generation" features 100 rarely seen works from the early 20th century through the rise of the Chicano movement."
    ExperienceLAExperienceLA · Ottobre 25, 2011
    · Los Angeles, Stati Uniti
    ""Civic Virtue: The Impact of the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery and the Watts Towers Art Center" chronicles the evolution of the space into a community arts center."
    ExperienceLAExperienceLA · Ottobre 25, 2011
    · Los Angeles, Stati Uniti
    ""Collaboration Labs: Southern California Artists & The Artist Space Movement" examines the creation of artist spaces and the collaborations that resulted from them in the 1970s."
    ExperienceLAExperienceLA · Ottobre 25, 2011
    Galleria d'arte
    · Santa Monica, Stati Uniti