Ujang Kobau • V§ •™: "You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. And you are the reason I can't sleep without saying goodnight"
6 Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara (47810), Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Centro commerciale · 454 consigli e recensioni
Shaz Mukhtar: Hungry? If on budget, head on to Teh Tarik Place! If not then checkout Funkyvilla for lunch sets or if ure feelin a bit Indonesian and don't mind spicy stuffs -checkout "Waroeng Penyet"
🎀 ediey shrizn 🎀: Dlu kg ni merioh je ng budok2..tp leni deme seme pakat g kolumpo kije. Hijroh kabonye..tgl sek-sel tue je mlepok kt kg ni.gua rndu zmn knk2 dlu
Endless Love このまま側にいて: Kita prnh llu saat2 yg plg susah, airmata ni sllu jd peneman, trma ksh sudi mnahan airmata dr mnitis utk mbuat aina lbih tabah,mngkn x mmpu ucap tp aina thu bnyk pngorbnan abg x mmpu dibyr dgn apa pun
Batu 10, Jalan Pantai (Jalan Pantai), Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan
Faro · Cape Rachado · 26 consigli e recensioni
!!!NiZaM®: You here mean you visit the 16th Century built by the Portuguese and view of the Sumatra coastline,Find legendary Hang Tuah footprint embedded in boulder and icy cool well awaits serve your thirsty
!!!NiZaM®: Row a small boat in the darkness to witness the blinking trees.The rhythmic star's produced by thousands of fireflies found in mangrove river of Kpg Kuantan.Experience a memorable & unforgettable one!
!!!NiZaM®: Apart from being a historical site, being at the top of the hill gives you an excellent panoramic view of Selangor coastline. You would be able to see the Straits Of Malacca on a clearly day (>_<)
Endless Love このまま側にいて: "Tiba2 Allah beri petunjuk sgala keraguanku, Hanya Kau Maha Mengetahui ya Allah aku redha, Kuatkanlah jiwaku utk btahan demi anak2"....
Endless Love このまま側にいて: "Toleh 14 tahun ke belakang, rupanya bnyk yg berubah dlm hidup aku, sedih,gembira, senyum,tangis dah jadi satu.Baru hari ni aku sedar bnyk yg berubah ttg hidup aku, syukur ya Allah kuatknlah jiwaku"..
!!!NiZaM®: Old and new:New and old buildings make up the skyline of Kuala Lumpur.But if nothing is effort is put into presever the old buildings, that architecture segment will be gone forever from our heritage.
23, Damansara - Puchong Hwy (Bandar Puchong Jaya), Puchong Batu Dua Belas, Selangor
Centro commerciale · Bandar Puchong Jaya · 280 consigli e recensioni
Endless Love このまま側にいて: "Jika kamu ingin mngenali sifat seseorg ujilah ia dgn mbuat dia marah kpdmu,jika kamu ragu2 pandanglah dia dgn mata hatimu jujurlah kpd hatimu kerana hati selalu mngatakan hal yg benar!"
3 Jalan Equine, Taman Equine, Seri Kembangan, Selangor
Scuola superiore · 6 consigli e recensioni
Endless Love このまま側にいて: "Cukup2 lah sudah mlukai hati sy, pedihnya sy rasa.Tak cukup ke lagi buat saya derita..pergilah!saya akui khilangan kamu bdua buat rasa derita,saya rayu jgn sakiti lg jiwa sy yg dah jauh tluka!" :'(
Endless Love このまま側にいて: "Ku seka airmata yg tersisa dipipi tp ternyata airmata mengalir dan terus mengalir laju, hati terasa hancur.Tuhan, aku tlalu rindukan mereka, berikan aku kekuatan krn aku smkin x kuat utk btahan!".
Galleria d'arte · Non ci sono consigli né recensioni
Endless Love このまま側にいて: "Ksdihan yg aku rsa, sakitnya makin dlm biarkn mnjdi rhsia hati,ku sedar kusngja disakiti, itu yg aku sedri.Aku rdha,demi mrka kulukai hati sendiri tak mgapa,aku prgi kali ini,slmat tggal....!"
Endless Love このまま側にいて: "Jka saya thu sakitnya mngenali kmu tentu sy bfkir lbh dr 2 kali,x sy snggup mmbuat org lain mrasa trluka,kesan tu tlalu dlm tkesn dhati yg pling dlm, x mngapa sy yg rsa demi kmu sy snggp mrawt hati!"