Dominique Gillyard

Dominique Gillyard


UNC '13. PR & Comm girl. Quirky, funny, all around lovely.

Westfield, NJ
  • 3 Suggerimenti
  • 75 Follower
  • 80 Seguendo
  • Liste 5

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1 Consiglio
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New York
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North Plainfield
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Dominique Gillyard
0 posti aggiornati Giugno 20, 2013
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Dominique Gillyard
6 posti aggiornati Giugno 18, 2013
My favorite bars and clubs, plus some I'd like to try!
Dominique Gillyard
0 posti aggiornati
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Dominique Gillyard
10 posti aggiornati
10 posti incluso The Ailey Studios (Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater), Cubanu, Clyde's of Georgetown, Gold Medal Fitness
Liste di DominiqueListe create da DominiqueListe Dominique seguite
"Shrimp Van Gogh is my go-to dish."
Dominique GillyardDominique Gillyard · Luglio 19, 2013
· Union, Stati Uniti
"Rashonda is great! The shop is very well kept and they give the best washes I've ever had. Plus they always have availability, even if I call last minute! Definitely my go-to place."
Dominique GillyardDominique Gillyard · Luglio 3, 2013
· North Plainfield, Stati Uniti
"Nice on site cafeteria but the breakfast selection is very limited."
Dominique GillyardDominique Gillyard · Luglio 3, 2013
· Parsippany, Stati Uniti