David Mcculley

David Mcculley


Tallahassee, FL
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David Mcculley
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David Mcculley
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    "No more buy one get one free. :( now it's buy one from the left page that is really expensive then get one of the cheap rolls on the right side of the menu for free."
    David McculleyDavid Mcculley · Ottobre 7, 2011
    · Tallahassee, Stati Uniti
    "Don't come here if at all possible. Take care of your body. If you are sick or hurt, then ok, come to the ER. :)"
    David McculleyDavid Mcculley · Settembre 15, 2011
    Pronto soccorso
    · Tallahassee, Stati Uniti
    "Try to find the secret spiral staircase. It's pretty secret. :)"
    David McculleyDavid Mcculley · Marzo 15, 2011
    Abitazione (privata)
    · Tallahassee, Stati Uniti